Over the course of the last century, the U.S. has encircled the world with a web of military bases unlike any other in history. Today, they amount to more than 700, in 40 countries. No continent is spared. They are one the most powerful forces at play in the world today, yet one of the less talked-about. They have shaped the lives of millions, yet remain a mystery to most. This documentary sheds light on one of the most defining - and less-known - realities of our time, through eye-opening interviews and shocking yet inspiring testimonies.
SiciliAmbiente Film Festival winner “Best Documentary”
STEPS Intl Film Festival “Special selection of Committee for Best Documentary”
Tekfestival special mention “Best Photography”
São Paulo Intl Film Festival
Al Jazeera Intl Documentary Festival
New York Peace Film Festival
BAFICI (Buenos Aires Intl Film Festival),
Espoo Ciné Intl Film Festival (Finland)
DOCSDF (Intl Doc. Film Fest. Mexico City)
Istanbul Intl 1001 Documentary Film Festival
ZagrebDox Int Documentary Film Festival
We the Peoples Film Festival (UK)
DOK Leipzig (Germany)
IDFA Docs for Sale (Netherlands)
Dubai Filmmart (UAE)
Int Festival DerHumALC (Argentina)
Ronda Intl Film Festival (Spain)
Romania Intl Film Festival
Tama Cinema Forum (Japan)
Festival des Libertés (Belgium)
Cine’Eco (Portugal)
Iasi Intl Film Festival (Romania)
TUR Ostrava Film Festival (Czech Republic)
Euganea Film Festival
Est Film Festival
NoemArt Film Festival.
Directors: Thomas Fazi ed Enrico Parenti
Editior: Desideria Rayner
CAST: Gore Vidal, Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Jhonson, Edward Luttwack.
Lenght: 75 min.
Format: dv pal
Music: Stefano Piro
Graphic Studio Mbanga
Language: English, Italian, Japanese, Creol
Production: Effedemfilm srl
Distribution: javafilms